First and foremost, welcome to Inside the Jarr! My goal with this site is to share my stories, perspectives, and opinions on the world at large, my passion for gaming, and love/hate relationship with the game I’ve spent by far the most time with – World of Warcraft.
Here are some of the tags you’ll find here.
Warcraft: This will used be for all things loved and hated in our beloved worlds of Azeroth, Outland, and Northrend.
Game On! All things gaming that is not tied to Warcraft. PC and consoles. Old school & next gen. Lore and technology. I love it!
Time & Labor is the name of our time tracking system at the company I work for. As such all things corporate America and professional will be here.
IRL: This is where you can get a peek at life away from the keyboard or controllers. My family and kids are my treasures. Here I’ll share them with you.
The Blog: This will simply be for posts regarding the status of the blog and (hopefully) the community.
I hope you enjoy your time here. While I welcome any feedback or suggestions you may have, let’s all play nice, shall we?
Thank you again for your time and interest. ~Jarr