Apr 14, 2010

Let it all BURN!

I’ve been setting the World on fire lately! I’ve recently started playing my mage again to trying to rid him of his few remaining blues and outdated trinkets. I’d forgotten how truly fun a fire spec can be. There are just so many things that make them fun.
  • The satisfying FWOOSH! of ignite after a crit that would make Richard so proud.
  • The fireworks of explosions after tagging four mobs with Living Bomb, making it look like the Fourth of July. Enough internal combustion to make Vael and Geddon smile.
  • Instant cast Pyroblasts and that big ball of goodness is always cool. Hot streak rules!
Fire mages are just too much fun. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Arcane may be still king of the meters. Frost may be the PvP defending champ. But fire is just way cooler…er hotter.  Come on! You’re hurling frickin’ fire around for Elune’s sake!

It took a while for me to figure out how to get decent DPS numbers out of my spec, but now that I’ve got it down ALL WILL BURN! Muhahaha!

“I’M CASTING FLAMESTRIKE!!!! Ooooooo, you're on fire!!!!” 

Caster DPS LFG, baby.


  1. "The satisfying FWOOSH! of ignite after a crit that would make Richard so proud."

    Um, I believe he was actually just dipping some Oreos in milk at the time...

  2. (2nd time perhaps?)
    "The satisfying FWOOSH! of ignite after a crit that would make Richard so proud."

    I believe he was just dipping Oreos in milk at the time...

  3. Weird, my first post didn't show up for a long time so ignore the repeat cause it's not as funny the second time(if you can see it the second time that is..).
